Wednesday, February 23, 2011

MOR.....I wan't to play AMERICAN football!!!

At breakfast this morning I was telling A about the plan for the rest of the week: ”Today after school you have basketball and tomorrow you have tennis. What do you like the best, Tennis or Basketball"????

Short silence. A:”I hate them both; I want to play Football”.

Looooooooong silence.

Me: “But A, I am Danish, which makes you half Danish…..and Danes DON’T play American football”.
A: “I don’t care; that’s all I want to do”.

Hmmm…I thought about telling him that he is in good shape and not weighing 400 pounds, which right there disqualifies him from becoming an American football player. But I didn’t. I was scared that this would make him demand fast food to gain some fast football pounds!

I thought about telling him that he should honor his half-Danish roots  by playing Danish sports ONLY; like soccer, tennis and WIND-surfing.  Gave up on that thought too.

I have been pretty clear from the minute A was born and the following almost 6 years, that American football is NOT an option. So today I opted for the short answer covering all international ground: “American football is FORBUDT, PROHIBIDO, FORBIDDEN, VERBOTEN in our house!!!”

A: “ I am gonna play it anyway”!



  1. Dorthe, I am as American as they get and my son is not playing football. No brain dysfunction wanted on our end forget about the weight gain. I personally know 2 former NFL football players and they have suffered greatly. They have even made a commitment to have their brains donated to science to study the post traumatic stresses of football on the human brain. Its an epidemic and this past year there were more concussions in the NFL then any other year. BTW Jimmy, my husband agreed with me straight away and basketball and hockey are the winter games we will be "suggesting". But I do admire A's persistence as he is just like his Mommy in that regard.

  2. I think the photo really illustrates your point. Ewwwwwwwww.
