Monday, February 28, 2011

Naked or NOT!

A couple of evenings ago, after dinner and my daily two glasses of wine; I got invited to a “sauna social”. Why not?
I did not need to pack a thing…right? I was just going to a gym; take my clothes off, sit in a sauna, shower, and put my clothes back on. But, to be on the safe side, I called my friend to see if she was bringing any after-the-sauna-treatment-supplies. When I called, she was in the middle of packing her bikini. When in Rome blah blah blah; so I packed my bikini as well, although I thought we were overdressing a bit.

I didn’t know whether to laugh - or cry from laughing too hard - when we walked into the sauna.  Two of us were in bikinis and towels, while our friend was in her full exercise clothes INCLUDING shoes!
And, the scene got even more bizarre inside the sauna.  There were 4 other women in there, dressed as if they were going skiing!  I was SO under dressed.
The conversation and laughs we had in the sauna were priceless. I would do it all over – going to a sauna in America that is. Naked or not.

or NOT......

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